Alternative Rite of Passage

Once a year, during circumcision season, we invite 100 girls each, from Amboseli and East Pokot villages, to undergo an Alternative Rite of Passage instead of Female Genital Mutilation.
Alternative Rite of Passage involves a one week retreat of education, including seminars on understanding FGM, puberty, children’s rights and drug abuse, complemented by fun games and practical courses in stitching or handicrafts. Finale of the retreat is the Alternative Rite of Passage Celebration, a non-violent ritual where the girls step forward and make a pledge to say no to FGM and protect other girls at risk and after which they are considered full-grown members of their societies.
If you want to sponsor one of our girls or donate towards the Rescue Centre in general, please click here.

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The Divinity Team comprises of people of great passion for humanity.
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The Divinity Team comprises of people of great passion for humanity.
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The Divinity Team comprises of people of great passion for humanity.
Divinity Foundation International, 2021
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